Eli hurt, expects to play


An MRI Monday revealed an injury to Eli’s plantar fascia. I don’t know what that means but he said he hopes to be back at practice by Wednesday.

“I don’t think it’s nothing to be worried about,” said Manning on Monday. “It’s just going to be getting rid of the soreness. I think I’ve always been a pretty quick healer. I’m looking forward to tomorrow and hope it feels better. Hopefully, it will get better quickly. It doesn’t feel any worse today than it did yesterday, which I think is a good sign.”

You have to love a guy who uses double negatives.

The former Super Bowl MVP hurt his heel in the fourth quarter of Sunday’s win. The good news is that Eli was walking without a boot or crutches on Monday, the better news is that they’re playing the Raiders next week. So even if Eli has his foot amputated, he still has a better shot at winning than JaMarcus Russell.