Justin Tuck Is Back
Justing Tuck was one of the brightest spots on the field for both teams – recording two sacks and an undeniable show of speed, power, and pass rushing prowess against the Ravens this past weekend.
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"Against the Steelers, Tuck supplied constant pressure on Ben Roethlisberger, recorded a half-sack along with Mathias Kiwanuka and made a stop in the backfield on an end around. And on Saturday night vs. the Ravens, Tuck recorded two sacks — one on a stunt while looping around the middle and the second on a speed/power combo rush off the edge past tackle Tony Moll.Those plays were signs of the old Tuck. Bright spots on an otherwise dim night for the defense and indications he has put a frustrating 2009 season and the shoulder injury that came with it behind him.“I’ve seen (speed), I’ve seen power, I’ve seen strength, I saw him get to the edge, win on the edge and I saw him finish,” coach Tom Coughlin said of Tuck on a conference call with reporters Sunday.“He delivered a nice blow when he finished — a very legal, a very clean hit, but nevertheless a very forceful one. I was pleased to see that.”"
Bulluck / Phillips Look Rusty, Need More Reps
Although there were no physical setbacks for the linebacker and safety, respectively — the Giants are counting on Keith Bulluck and Kenny Phillips to progress quickly and regain their edge without limitations before the start of the regular season.
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LB’s, DB’s Have a Ways To Go
Ed Valentine brings the most nervous among us back in from the ledge, but then really lets the Giants corners and linebackers have it in this morning’s recap post at Big Blue View. And why shouldn’t he? The Ravens moved the ball at will, the middle of the field was wide open…. Rolle had 7 tackles because it indicated how many gashes through the secondary there were, not because he did anything extraordinary in his duties. I still feel the “defenseless receiver” call brings some questions… I mean what is going to become of the “defenseless defender” if they can’t stop a receiver from catching a ball? Goodbye defense in the NFL, I guess.
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Deon Grant In Defensive Critics: “For Real!?”
On several occasions, Grant says some of the poor matchups for the secondary were not what Perry Fewell called for the series – and Grant believes the Giants need to focus on executing the called scheme much better going forward.
Clipped from: trainathought.insidefootball.com (share this clip)
"“For real? That ain’t gonna happen. What happened last week (against Baltimore) is probably going to be the most we give up and we won’t even give up that no more if we go out there and do what we’re supposed to do.”“I’m not going to hang those guys who were playing the one –one-battles and put it on their heads. I think it was just some guys not doing what the defensive coordinator told us as far as working within the defense.“For example, if we’re supposed to be in press, maybe someone was playing off on that particular down, allowing (the receiver) to do whatever they needed to do to get open and score. When you’re talking about playing a base and I have inside leverage because I have help on the outside and you get beat on the inside, that’s stuff that you should not get beat on and that’s what was going on a lot in the game.”"