David Diehl Is Still Starting LT
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"“It’s unbelievable that I played in the Pro Bowl last year,” Diehl said Thursday, “and I’m not a good enough left tackle.”Diehl is still good enough for the Giants.For the fourth straight season, Diehl will line up at the premier spot on the line as the protector of Eli Manning’s blind side."
Perry Fewell Has Many More Tricks Up His Sleeve
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"“You probably saw 10 percent, maybe 20 percent in the preseason, maybe, if that. How confident am I that our guys will have our package down? I’m very confident. They had good retention. They had good questions when we went in and presented on Monday as well as Wednesday. So I feel very confident they will have the information down that we need.”Fewell also said LB Keith Bulluck would not wear the radio in his helmet. Who will, then? “Goff. Goff will be the man.”"
Kevin Gilbride Tells It Like It Is On The Giants Offense
Clipped from: espn.go.com (share this clip)
"Q: A lot was made last year of the question marks at wide receiver. A year later, the perception is that it’s a strength on this team. How have things changed in a year?A: I think it was justifiably a concern because you had two people who hadn’t played a lot or hadn’t played in that role. Steve Smith had been an integral part as the third receiver but not necessarily as the starting – when the two receivers were out there, that personnel grouping. It was understandable looking outside in and I couldn’t honestly say, hey, they’re going to perform like we had hoped they would, but we knew that we had some talent. There were some gifted young players that hopefully would go out and would show the poise necessary to take advantage of the physical skills that they had. The fact that they went out and played as well as they did is now all to the opinion the other way. Now, inside, our opinion is, we know they have the skill, but now they’ve got to go out and do it again and we’d like to see growth and development in terms of consistency and I think that if we can get that we still feel like we have some guys that can do some things, but now we’re looking to see consistency in their performance.Q: Is it harder when you’re trying to meet the standard rather than set the standard?A: It’s certainly easier when less is expected of you – there’s no question about that – but you would hope that if they’re the right makeup, which I believe they are, that the expectations have grown and their sense of pride will elevate their game and that’s what I expect to happen."