Flashback: Cowboys Look Super

Way back in June, I got off on a bit of a rant about the Cowboys getting hyped for a 2010 Superbowl bid, just like they do every summer. And of course – the Cowboys have let everyone down. So to remedy the situation, I posted Eli Manning’s highlights from their first meeting last year when the Giants won 33-31 to open the ‘Boys new stadium… as well as the Eli Manning autograph in the visitor locker room that to this day may be the most coveted area of the new facility, if you’re a Giants fan anyway.

So today in the days before the first Giants @ Cowboys meeting of the 2010 season, when the Giants are 4-2 and tied for first in the division and the Cowboys are 1-4 and dead last… I thought the article was worth a re-post completely left in context, with video highlights, and of course garnished with Eli Manning’s best John Hancock impression.



I’ve got quite a problem here this morning — the Dallas Cowboys are on my mind. If I lived in Texas, it might be another day in paradise. But I don’t. And it’s not…. and I’m not a Cowboys fan. In fact I strongly dislike that football team (read ‘Hate them with a passion’). What puts them on my fragile bean this morning in the first place? This article on NFL.com:

It’s Early, But Cowboys Look Super

Doesn’t this crap happen each and every summer? Cowboys this and that, championship, due, Romo, yadda yadda yadda…. and you know what to a degree they have a talented football team and I’m surprised they haven’t won a damn playoff game since who can remember. BUT GUESS WHAT — the Cowboys are only 1 of 3 teams in the NFC that are going to have a shot this year, and the other two are the Giants and the Redskins. The Redskins have quite a road to travel with a brand new organization, new leaders, new offense, new defense — EVERYTHING is new and will probably require some growing pains before they get their championship… so that really leaves the Cowboys and Giants in the mix for the lead in the NFC East. We won’t be discussing the Eagles whatsoever – they finish last in the division, end of story.

So between the Giants and the Cowboys vying for the division lead, you have to face facts. It was the Giants who beat the Cowboys TWICE last year and have proven themselves as a playoff caliber and championship winning team 4 of the past 5 years. The Cowboys have a talented team with nothing to show for it. In the end, my money goes on the Giants being in control of the division in 2010… and I welcome a surprising showing from the Redskins over any type of placement from Dallas.

This brings me to my selection for today’s ‘Do You Remember…’ segment — and today I’m staying with that bitter feeling of Dallas being stuck in my craw. So here it is — my way of remedying things.

This is the footage you’ve been dying to relive this morning if you’re like me and sick of all the Dallas hype… Eli Manning’s signature 330 yard, 2 touchdown, 0 interception, 110.6 rated, autograph-on-the-wall-worthy performance:

[pro-player width=’467′ height=’353′ type=’video’ image=’http://www.giantsgab.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Picture-27.png’]http://ll.video.nfl.com/films/s2009/nflcom/w02/090920_phl_wk2_emanning_700k.mp4[/pro-player]

[clip via NFL]

P.S. — gotta love the memento!
