NYT: Big Problems In Dallas, Giants To Win

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"The Cowboys may resort to college-style end zone celebrations if they score this week. In the N.C.A.A., players do little more after touchdowns than hand the ball to the referee because the sight of amateur athletes expressing pride in their accomplishments could cause the republic to crumble. After back-to-back weeks of penalties for excessive celebrations (which weren’t all that excessive), the Cowboys are down to shaking hands in the end zone, lest a fist-bump be construed as taunting. If the penalties continue, Jerry Jones will hire some 17th-century Puritans as humility coaches.The penalty flak has obscured some real Cowboys problems: their offensive line has gotten old and injury prone quickly, their secondary gives up too many big plays and their kicking game needs work. It’s easy to cite discipline issues when the Cowboys lose, but there are bigger problems in Dallas than who is leaping over whom after touchdowns. Their supertalented roster isn’t all that super once you get past DeMarcus Ware and a few others. Even if they straighten up and fly right, they aren’t going to get very far.PICK: Giants."
