I Love The NFL

There’s nothing like this league! It seems like every move the NFL makes works in their favor. I know they’ve been scrutinized because of all the fines, but at the end of the day it’s all about safety. Other than that, the other sports leagues don’t stand a chance against this juggernaut known as the NFL.

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At first, when I heard about all the divisional games being slotted at the end of the season to make teams play the season thru and minimized the chances of unimportant games on the end honestly I wasn’t to fond of the idea. Being a part of NFC EAST we live to watch our team battle our rivals so I was really upset that we weren’t going to get the pleasure of stomping on the Cowboys, Eagles or Redskins until mid season. Now heading into week 13 and looking at the league as a whole and not through my old school Red and Blue paper 3-D glasses, I can appreciate the genius of the decision. These final 4 weeks we’re going to be glued to our television watching every game we can get our eyes on. Its going to come down to the wire with every division tied at the top or within a game, not only do we have divisional rivals in contention, we have divisional rivals still poised for classic late season battles! The NFL has you by the you-know-what and isn’t letting go nor do we want them too.

             These final weeks we will find ourselves on our knees rooting for the hated Dallas Cowboys (Man does that hurt to even think about). I know its not on purpose but yesterday we had the 3rd and 4th best records in the AFC going at each others throats on Sunday Night Football and tonight we have the 1st and 2nd best records in the AFC. The crazy thing is that they all are fighting for control of their division. The NFC isn’t far behind, before the end of the season we will see Philthy vs New York, Chicago vs Green Bay, Atlanta vs New Orleans, I’m just shocked on how perfect this plan has working out for the NFL. It makes it that much more disheartening that there’s even a remote chance of a lockout next year and I don’t know about the rest of the teams fans but for us Giant fans in the words of triple X “WE LIVE FOR THIS SH**”  

