I don’t know if its just me, but I don’t remember being so overwhelmed all week waiting for a game since Superbowl XLII. I LOVE THE NEW YORK GIANTS they’re my passion, they help my tough weeks and days go by. I would give anything in the world to be there with my fellow Giant fans. This letter for the fans that have the chance to be there and be apart of the game. Antrel said earlier in the week, that the fans need to help in every way they can because at the end of the day WE WIN TOGETHER AND LOSE TOGETHER!
12th man, give them all you got! the way you want them to leave it all on the field, leave your vocal cords on the field. Scream until Vick,Jackson,Maclin,McCoy,and Reid’s ears BLEED BLUE! Make it impossible for them to communicate, make them call useless timeouts, frustrate them until they’re arguing because they dont understand each other. Let them know this is our house, and you know how its goes…WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE! Feed the defense your energy, make them KNOW that its 11 vs 80 THOUSAND! When you see our boys call for the noise give it to them like they’ve never heard before, let them know that we appreciate them to the fullest, let them know when their bodies are hurting and its hard to pick themselves up off the turf that we’re here for them. I know alot of fans like to call themselves “die hard” but if you dont understand where i’m coming from then you need to check yourself before you walk into the stadium on sunday,you need to check yourself before they kick that ball off at 1pm. I know this isn’t life or death or nothing even close to it but think about when you say you LOVE something and the energy you feel,thats what I want you to release. Release the passion,the time,the money,everything you’ve ever invested in this team and roll it into a ball and DROP IT on the Philadelphia Eagles head! I love you 12th man, our boys need you this week more then ever.Be the Fewell that lights the FIRE.
GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!