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Update: Redskins Owner Sues Paper


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"The Snyder suit specifies four alleged misstatements in the story, and also claims that a cover illustration depicting Snyder with horns and a goatee was anti-Semitic. We expect the claims to be defended vigorously…It’s sad that Snyder, who has such a public relations apparatus at his disposal, has chosen to turn to litigation instead—especially in a court deep in Giants country."

I would think the response from the editor pushed Snyder over the edge on this one.  I mean, saying to the Redskins front office ‘shove your lawsuit’ and while you’re at it write a rebuttal op-ed that we’ll publish in our paper — it just doesn’t seem like that would fly.  Although it’s truly fascinating to watch an NFL franchise like the Redskins dip even further into their little PR quagmire.

Begin further evidence that this is a total cluster for the Skins:

Exhibit A) This brilliant WP article by lifelong Giants fan, Gene Wiengarten.

Exhibit B)  J Howard Giddings of Riggo’s Rag, and lifelong Skins fan, asks Snyder to sell his team.

Exhibit C)  Albert Haynesworth, allegedly, is getting arrested for road rage and no one from the front office has heard about it.