David Diehl: Bringing The “Sunshine” For Memorial Day Weekend!

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Kevin Boss and Kevin Boothe were also on hand to help raise money and mingle with fans. it was an incredible evening but it didn’t end there. I spoke with David Diehl to talk about Project Sunshine and various other topics. Let’s hear what Dave has to say:

Q2: What inspired you to get involved with Project Sunshine?

Q3: I hear you recruited nearly a dozen New York Giants to be a part of Project Sunshine. Who did you bring into the fold?

There was no way I could have David Diehl’s ear and not talk football. We covered some of the most current key topics and a few other ones that might strike your fancy. Give a listen.

Q4: I would be remiss if I didn’t talk a little football. What are your feeling on the CBA and Lockout?

Q5: I have to put you on the spot now. You grew up on the southside of Chicago. Naturally, you must have been a Bears fan.

Q6: As far as Eli stepping up this offseason, during the lockout, how do you feel about him holding the practices at Hoboken High School?

Q7: What are your thoughts on Tiki Barber comparing himself to Anne Frank?

Q8: How are your injuries coming along? I know you were doing everything you could last season to get back in the game, like sleeping in the hyper barrack chamber. Are you doing anything above and beyond right now to take care of yourself?

Q9: Is this your first trip out to Queens?

Q10: Are you happy with how the event turned out?

Q11: Can you picture yourself in any other color but Blue?

The New York Giants have typically been an organization that expect their players to conduct themselves with class both on and off the field. That is why two time Pro Bowler, David Diehl is a perfect fit with Big Blue. He spent a great deal of time with the fans who came out to support Project Sunshine – taking photographs, signing autographs and just shooting the breeze.

The Big Blue Moon Charity Event was a huge success. A big kudos to Studio Square, who donated a check for $20,000 to Project Sunshine and especially Joseph Weilgus and David Diehl for giving of themselves in such a selfless manner.

If you would like to learn more about Project Sunshine, learn how to get involved or donate please visit www.projectsunshine.org

**Photos by Sean Kerr**
