I re-watched the Dallas Cowboys vs Arizona Cardinals game last night on NFL Network and came to the conclusion that the LAST timeout taken was not the problem. It is my take that Jason has taken a ton of heat off of Tony Romo this week. After what was a pretty good game to watch the Cowboys got the ball back with 2:54 on their own 32 in a tie game. Now if Eli was the QB, and had the ball at the 32, I think we all feel pretty comfortable. Here is how it went for Tony and the Cowboys:
2:54…After a holding penalty on a punt return by Dez Bryant, the Cowboys get the ball 1st and 10 on their own 32.
On the first play, Tony hits a pass to their own 45. 1st Down, Two Timeouts Remaining
2:00 minute warning…Cowboys still at their own 45. Two Timeouts Remaining
1:06…Cowboys Ball at the 50. Two Timeouts Remaining
1:01….After penalties and backward passes….back to their own 45. Two Timeouts Remaining
:30…..Finally the Cowboys get into Cardinal territory at the 46. Two Timeouts Remaining
Tony then hits Dez Bryant on a crossing route at the Cardinal 32. FIRST DOWN..Two Timeouts Remaining.
Inexplicably, on the very edge of Field Goal Range, in a game where the kicker has already missed a long FG, Romo and the Cowboys get to the line,and make sure everyone gets set. Romo even takes the time to move a receiver into the proper position. Then he snaps the ball and clocks it with :07 left in the game. If that’s what you were going to do, why take the chance of a false start? An illegal formation? A bad snap? Just run the clock down and use your SECOND timeout. This still leaves you with ONE and reduces the risk. More importantly didn’t you think you might want to try and get a few more yards? Also, if you take the timeout, you are not worried about the play clock running down which started the second Romo clocked the ball, and the reason Garrett had to call his now infamous timeout.
I’m not sure who’s decision making was worse, but for this week at least, Jason Garrett is taking the heat.