Giants: Time to give some Credit


The Giants won a game last week under some very tough circumstances.  They were undermanned, and playing on just three days rest.  They played one of their more complete games in a while, and it’s time to dole out some credit.

ELI the obvious:  Eli was spectacular once again running the offense.  His mastery of the game plan is really fascinating to watch.  His ability to get the team in the most advantageous position pre-snap, and his constant conversation and adjustments on the side line with Kevin Gilbride and his players is inspiring.

The O-Line: Since the beginning of training camp I have spoken about the depth of this team, and how it was it’s greatest strength.  This is evident in many areas, and the O-Line is no exception.  Having Kevin Boothe, who played three different positions last season, along with Sean Locklear who can play left or right tackle, is a luxury not many teams have in this league.  One sack in two games speaks volumes.

The receivers: No Nicks, No Hixon, No problem.  It’s not about who you are on the Giants, it’s about executing the offense.  Ramses Barden, Martellus Bennett, Victor Cruz, and even Reuben Randle have made this a very deep and dangerous passing offense.

Andre Brown:  The return of the veteran two back offense will make this team a success this season.  Instead of counting on or waiting for a very talented rookie to develop, they now have a veteran one two punch to create doubt in the minds of defenses, and to take time off the clock when necessary.

Lawrence Tynes:  10 for 10 in FG’s with a long of 49….just another weapon.