Giants: A Year of Dynamic Offense Ahead?


I was asked a few questions this morning by a writer from another site about the Giants.  One of the questions was how did I think the season would play out for the team.  I obviously started to weigh the pros and cons of this team.  The one thing that jumped out was just how stacked this offense might be.

It all starts with Eli Manning and his veteran leadership and his willingness to work with every guy as if he was the only guy on the team.  The debate will be had for years where Eli ranks in the NFL, but it is clear he has more Super Bowl victories than all the guys he is compared to in the league except Tom Brady.

Then you have to consider a healthy Hakeem Nicks return to form, Victor Cruz, an integrated Reuben Randle, the pure speed of Louis Murphy, the height and hands of Ramses Barden, and the fight at Tight End among three or four candidates.  Eli will have plenty of targets and we all know what really makes Eli great is he has no favorites.  You perform, you work, you get open….you get the ball.

Then you have the dynamic and explosive David Wilson.  As much as we all loved Ahmad Bradshaw and Brandon Jacobs this kid is a combination of the two with the break away ability of a young Tiki Barber.  I will guess we will see more long runs than we have in years and Giants fans all know and appreciate what a good running game can do for a QB, especially one the caliber of Eli.

The questions on offense?  The O-Line.  These will be the training camp battles for this year.  Beatty, Boothe, Baas seem set on the left and at center.  The right side I feel is up for grabs.  Chris Snee had some health issues last season.  David Diehl is no longer the stopper anywhere you play him, and the rookie Pugh might or might not be ready for the next level.  If this unit completely fails than the rest doesn’t matter.  Look for many combinations to be tried during the pre-season and training camp.