New York Giants: Playoff Hopes Dimmed


The New York Giants have only the New York Giants to blame for their dim situation. The Giants chances of making the postseason now depend on more than just their ability to win out. A team that could have run away with the NFC East now needs help to win it.

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Their first opportunity was in the season opener against the Cowboys. They squandered a 10 point lead, losing to a last second touchdown. This game was the Giants season in a nutshell. They played well enough to keep it interesting and poorly enough to make it miserable.

The Giants won three straight games after losing their first two. It seemed like the Giants had righted the ship and they would roll on to a division title; after all the rest of the division was struggling. The Giants then lost 27-7 against the Eagles. In a critical division matchup the Giants played horribly.

The Giants would continue this frustrating trend throughout the season. They lost a tight one to the mighty Patriots. They almost completed a comeback against the Panthers. It took the Giants three quarters to show up against the Washington Redskins, making for another divisional loss.

The Giants were gift wrapped the NFC East. They had every chance to take it. Now the Giants playoff berth is not fully in their control. I know Giants fans, that you don’t want to hear this… but the Giants do not deserve a playoff spot. The Giants came short in every big game of their season. At each turning point the Giants did not deliver.