Brian Daboll taking play-calling duties away from Mike Kafka could lead to his exit

The young OC will be interviewing with the Seahawks soon
New York Giants offensive coordinator Mike Kafka talks to reporters before the organized team
New York Giants offensive coordinator Mike Kafka talks to reporters before the organized team / Danielle Parhizkaran/ /

Earlier this week when insider Pat Leonard dropped his head-turning report on the turmoil going on between Brian Daboll and his NY Giants coaches, people were quick to jump on Wink Martindale's side. However, further details from Leonard's piece makes it seem like Mike Kafka has every reason to be furious too.

Per Leonard's sources, Daboll was all over Kafka during the season, questioning his decisions several times. This led to Daboll taking over Kafka's meetings and even removing play-calling responsibilities from him as well. This, according to Leonard, included during the Week 10 loss to Dallas. Wow.

Mike Kafka has every reason to be furious with Giants head coach Brian Daboll

The more we read Leonard's report, the worse things look for Coach Dabes. Yes, you want a passionate coach to demand the best from members of his staff, but he's really being painted like a guy who was a nightmare to work for in 2023.

In that loss to the Cowboys, quarterbacks coach Shea Tierney was the one to take over the offense. Each time Daboll took the play-calling duties away from Kafka, he'd end up giving it back to him, Leonard said, but come on, that's not how you build confidence in your second-year OC.

Thus far this season, the Giants and Daboll have parted ways with assistants Bobby Johnson, Thomas McGaughey and Wink Martindale, while Jeff Nixon left town to take over as OC at Syracuse. It's unknown if Kafka will be back for sure or not, as he's landing head coach interviews elsewhere.

Kafka previously met with the Tennessee Titans to take over for Mike Vrabel, while he'll also be having an interview with the Seattle Seahawks soon. The door is also open for Kafka to look at OC jobs with a different organization as well. At this point, it feels like there's a 50-50 chance he returns. If he doesn't, then even more people will go after Daboll for how he's treating guys on his team.
