Everyone got their shots in on Tom Brady during his roast. It was great to see TB12, the greatest quarterback of all time, be humbled for once. After the show ended, though, that didn't mean that people were done going after him.
Just ask NY Giants legend Eli Manning about that. While Will Ferrell got in a great Big Blue shot on Brady live, Manning decided to wait until the day after to get a jab in on the seven-time Super Bowl winner. Manning reminded Brady of the two Super Bowls he beat him in on social media, with the post going viral:
I thought about attending the Roast of Tom Brady last night, but I did not want to Roast him for a 3rd time!!
— Eli Manning (@EliManning) May 6, 2024
Eli Manning trolling Tom Brady reminded Giants fans of his Super Bowl glory
Eli from the top rope! He's of course referencing the Super Bowl titles we mentioned above, with the first coming in February 2008 and the second one in February 2012. The first title was highlighted by the David Tyree grab, while the second one was another close battle too.
Brady won seven Super Bowls in his career, but he could have finished with 10. He lost to NY twice and also the Patriots were upset by the Eagles as well. Because of those losses to the G-Men, a lot of people have claimed that Manning owns Brady - it's something he's heard about far too many times.
You too buddy 😏 pic.twitter.com/kGIPtPmKRv
— el Jefé (@JefePil) May 6, 2024
Yup, Brady had to hit Giants Nation with an NSFW message, but at least he's got a good sense of humor about things. Manning clearly does too, as he's not going to waste any opportunity to remind everyone in New England about the two losses he handed the Pats.
One day, we hope Manning will get the opportunity to troll Brady once again in Canton, as he no question belongs in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The same can be said for Brady, who had a near-perfect NFL career. Manning and the Giants made sure his resume wasn't 100 percent clean, which is something that will always be celebrated in East Rutherford.